At B & K we strive to bring you products filled with health and Taste

Made with high quality human grade ingredients like real meat,
fresh veggies and fiber rich fruits and grains…
Our products provide the perfect blend of health and taste for your pet.
100 % Healthy …100 % Tasty

Our nutrition philosophy

Discover the Ingredients
Discover the Benefits
  • Discover the Ingredients
  • Super Foods Inclusions

    Natural and Nutrient rich ingredients like Honey , Turmeric, Carrot, and Flaxseeds
  • Freshly procured Produce

    Procured fresh daily produce like Chicken, Milk, eggs , Vegetables and Fruits
  • High Quality Human Grade

    Ingredients Only best quality human grade Chicken, Grains, vegetables and fruits are used in our products.

Our products

High quality ingredients with added benefits to help dogs live long, happy and healthy lives.
